Picnic in the Country
- White waffle texture short jacket with red and white gingham trim, closure
at bottom, and attached cherry bead brooch.
- sleeveless day dress with red and white gingham top and white waffle
texture skirt with gingham at hem.
- white waffle texture headband type hat with gingham trim, green leaves,
and beaded cherries.
- 2 red hat pins
- red and white gingham ankle strap shoes
- translucent red bead post earrings
- red and green cherry and leaves bracelet
- nude pantyhose
circa 1946
Year of Release: 1999
Designer: Lynne Day
Original retail price: $39.95
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Gene® is a
registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel
Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.