Love Paris
- Ash blonde doll with hair in elegant bun. Straight legs &
- gray tweedy full circle skirt, lined in gray satin
- matching gray jacket with black collar, "buttons",
"pockets", and black fabric flower at collar.
- pink "suede" picture hat with black "petals" around
crown and black net over top.
- pink "suede" handbag with gold bead closure (came with tissue
paper inside it)
- pink crystal earrings on gold pin
- 2 black tipped hat pins
- short black gloves (NOTE: these were not shipped with the early shipments
of dolls, but were sent later to people who requested them.)
- black cotton petticoat with elastic waist and a black bow near the hem
- black ribbon tie shoes (short ribbons on mine)
- pantyhose
Click here to read story card.
Circa 1947
Year of Release: 1999
Designer: Jose Ferrand
Original Retail Price: $79.95
Not pictured in photos: pantyhose, gloves

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registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel
Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.