NECKLACES (Click HERE to see necklace pictures)
White Pearl Choker
Blossoms In The Snow, Bridge Club (on wire), Forget Me Not, Garden Party, Heartless, Lovely In Lace, Monaco (sewn to dress), Pink Lightening, Somewhere Summer,
Sunday Afternoon,
Other Pearls
2 strands with 2 large pearls and teardrop in center: Moments To Remember
6" on wire: Lovely In Lace
12" strand: Blue Fox
13" strand: Love After Hours
3 rows with rhinestone rondelle in center, set in silver: Jewelry Set
Pearls and…:
1 white teardrop pearl pendant on wire: Breathless
Black beads: Little Blessings
White with 7yellow beads and tubes in front on wire: Kiss Me Gene
Pink pearls with pink and gold seed beads double strand choker: Jewelry Set
Color Pearls
3 strands graduated pink: Table for two
1 strand of white/clear stones: 1st Encounter
3 rows of white/clear rhinestones: Priceless (silver)
Green Rhinestones with 1 large 6 medium at the center choker: The Perfect Gift
Rhinestones and black bead collar on wire: Night At Versailles (silver)
Rhinestones and pale cranberry beads on wire draping on bottom: Unforgettable
Rhinestones in "V" shape and chain: Heart of Hollywood (silver)
Yellow Rhinestones set in gold: Iced Coffee
Yellow: Cognac Evening
3 strands Green round on Chain: On the Avenue
6" Red, green, pink and light blue crystals on chain: At Home For the Holidays
Color beads and multi strands
1 strand each of Orange, Yellow and Pink seed beads on wire: Sunset Celebration
10 ¼" old chain (may be a belt): Little Black Dress
13 ½" Lt blue strand seed beads: Blue Goddess
14" Orange tube beads: She’d Rather Dance
19 ½" Red strand tube beads: Highland Fling
2 strands black and iridescent beads with 3 drops and a rhinestone cluster: Black Widow
2 strands of brown and clear seed beads: Symphony In G (silver)
3 strands 1 each of pale green, blue and gold beads: Cold Shoulder
3 strands of pink beads: Blue Evening
3 strands of red beads: red Venus
3-1/3" Iridescent and silver beads: Pink With Envy
4 gold Chains (2 with white beads, 1 with black beads): Little Black Dress
5-3/4" strand of black tube beads: So Evil My Love
8 ½" Bronze and cranberry long strand: Dressed to Kill
Black graduated beads: Avant Garde
Blue ribbon Choker: Kings Daughter
Blue seed, iridescent crystal and Pearl bead Cluster Choker: Midnight Romance
Carnival glass bead lace collar: Sparkling Seduction
Cranberry, black and hematite seed beads on wire: Encore
Gold bead with gold teardrops choker: Hacienda
Gold chain (may be a belt): Hi Fi
Gold chain: Tennis Anyone? (Trent)
Iridescent beads in drape design with gold and cluster drops: An American Countess
Rose and gold beads linked together half way down: Bon Voyage
Yellow round crystals on Chain: Destiny
Red seed beads 15" long strand: Rio Rumba
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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.