Pink Lightning
- full skirt knee-length dress of blue taffeta with bright pink organdy
around shoulders and pink and silver layers underneath (these vary -
some are 2 silver, 2 pink, some are 1 silver, 2 pink, 1 silver)
- pink net full slip (not shown in pics)
- blue taffeta handbag with silver lining and bead clasp
- blue taffeta single strap mules
- white pearl choker with spring ring clasp
- white pearl stud earrings
- flesh pantyhose (not shown in pics)
circa 1956
Year of Release: 1995
Designer: Tim Kennedy
Original retail price: $29.95
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registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel
Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.