Batter Up!

The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Monolithic nine that day...

Up against the Pantheon Picture Pumas for the championship of the Hollywood All-Studio League, the Monolithic Rockets had played a valiant game. But now the score stood four to one with but one more inning to play.

Madra Lord was perched on third, showing that her Hollywood lifestyle could never take the place of her Milwaukee upbringing. The same was true of the occupant of second, Trent Osborn, whose nights of stickball with kids in Philly had finally paid off. Happy Trales was on first, proving he didn’t just horse around.

Next up was Mighty Marshall, the team’s best player. A natural athlete, Gene had been taught the fine points of the National Pastime by her brother, Sandy, when she was no bigger than a baseball bat. But this would be the day she’d have to put her diamond prowess on the line.

Looking at the pitcher square in the eye, Gene adjusted the bat and cleared her throat (she was too well-bred to spit!).

And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now she lets it go...

And as the horsehide sphere came hurtling toward her, Gene took a quick breath and swung with all her might. And now the air was shattered by the force of Might Marshall’s blow...

And the Rockets won, five to four.

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.