Creme de Cassis

Journalists loved to interview Miss Gene Marshall. Unlike so many world-renowned Hollywood stars, she was charming, unpretentious, and refreshingly modest about her meteoric rise to fame. Her highly intelligent conversation was peppered with wit and acute insights into world events. And as she turned her glorious blue eyes on them with flattering attention, even the most jaded columnist melted.

In his memoirs, a society columnist recalled a memorable interview he had with Gene in August of ’53, sipping crème de cassis cocktails at the famous Hemingway Bar of the Ritz Hotel in the heart of Paris. He remembered their absorbing conversation – current fashions, American artists and writers in Paris, and the recent, bitter end of the Korean War. He remembered her dress – an en vogue ensemble with a certain je ne sais quoi. This was a time when haute couture reveled in tiny waists, voluptuous curves, perfectly matched accessories, and yards of rustling, luxurious fabric hemmed twelve inches above the ankle – in celebration to the end of wartime clothing restrictions.

But most of all, he remembered the incredible glory of Gene’s eyes. They mesmerized him – luminous, shimmering eyes the color of fresh spring gentians, fringed with long, sweeping lashes, enticing him with an utterly feminine mystique behind a wispy veil of black lace. Sensuous, alluring and fascinating, his interview with Gene Marshall was a treasured, never-to-be-forgotten chapter in his life.

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.