Evening Sunrise
1957. Violet took another sip of water, trying to dampen the wings of the
butterflies fluttering frivolously in her stomach.
She was waiting in the green room at NBS. Out in the studio, the network’s
major hit game show, “Who’s That Face?” was in progress. A panel of Upper
Crust Manhattan Celebrities in their finest evening finery was repeatedly
guessing the identity of guest after guest....
A sudden thought flickered across Violet’s mind. What if, when the panel was
stumped and the genial host revealed that it was Violet behind the podium, what
if nobody knew who Violet Waters even WAS?!?! An involuntary shudder made the
water in Violet’s glass ripple, and she quickly put it on the table.
Just then, a production assistant burst into the room—and into Violet’s
reverie—to tell her that her segment on “Who’s That Face?” was coming up
next and that she was needed. Now!
Before she could even think, she was backstage and about to go on. As a costume
lady adjusted Violet’s hem and a make-up man dabbed just one more touch of
powder on her nose, she took a deep breath. Then she heard the host call out,
“Mysterious Guest—enter and show us your face!”
The curtains parted and Violet stepped out. And the crowd’s roar told her it
didn’t matter whether the fancy panel guessed her face or not—the public
knew exactly who she was!
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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.