Love After Hours

In the beloved 1957 screwball comedy, Personal Secretary, Gene manages an office and a romance with levelheaded competence amid high hilarity. Career women love to point to one scene in particular where Gene’s ingenuity saves the day for her ad-exec boss.

After his fiancée walks out on him, the boss tells Gene—at the last possible minute!—that she is to be his date for a crucial business dinner. “No time to go change!” he tells her urgently, as she looks with dismay at her plainly tailored black dress. “Just make do!”

Gene enlists the aid of her friends in the secretarial pool, who rise up to the challenge. One girl styles her hair from its tight bun into soft waves about the face. How lucky that during her lunch hour Gene gave in to impulse and got a henna rinse at the beauty parlor! Another friend finds evening gloves and a crinoline in the photo studio. Gene herself adds the most ingenious touches, borrowing a painted Chinese fan from a wall decoration, then picking two fresh roses from a bouquet in the lobby and tucking them in her bodice. With a quick brush of powder and red lipstick, she’s ready. The boss steps from his office and stumbles in amazement at Gene’s transformation from efficient personal secretary to breathtaking young woman! Stammering endearingly, he gives her a pearl necklace and earrings—gifts for his ex-fiancée. That night, Gene wins both the account and her boss’ heart!

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.