On the Veranda

Gene is the guest of honor at an afternoon féte hosted by an internationally renowned Italian director. The lavish hors d’oeuvres, champagne, music, dancing and the breathtaking view of the fabulous gardens from the veranda, are all part of his elaborate Machiavellian plot to woo the talented American movie actress into staying in Italy and starring in his next film. He had seen a number of her pictures, and was highly impressed by her talent. His intuition--that innate sense that made him such a brilliant director--whispered to him that their collaboration would be electrifying, all but ensuring the movie’s success. She was a prize to be won, so he spent long hours devising the subtle campaign to win her.

But at his first sight of Gene Marshall in person, all his motives, all his carefully phrased and well-rehearsed words of persuasion flew completely out of his mind. He was entranced by her loveliness, intelligence, and sweet charm. Gene was an angel, a blossom of spring. She danced as delicately as a butterfly in his arms, her light floral scent teasing his senses into dreamy bliss. Gene spoke wistfully of home, and her worries that her next movie, Bitter Snow, was still missing a director. Late that evening, as they stood alone together on the veranda, he eagerly agreed to come with Gene to Hollywood to direct Bitter Snow...which had been Gene’s hope all along.

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.