
The rumor mill was in a frenzy. Reports were flying around that Gene Marshall had consented to model a necklace in an advertisement for one of the world's most prestigious jewelry houses. Excited fans clustered around the jeweler's on the rumored night. Velvet ropes blocked off the front of the store-a promising sign. And then...

Suddenly, there she stands, poised and regal, draped in diamonds. But the most dazzling gemstone can't hold a carat to the fire and sparkle provided by Gene Marshall.

"Hold it! Look over this way, please! Chin down! That's got it!"

And then it's over. The photographer starts taking apart his camera. The lights are turned off and left to cool. The precious jewels are carried away by security guards. The snowy white fur has been returned to its storage box. And now, Gene gets to relish the moment-with her fans that crowded around to catch a glimpse of their favorite star.

One of the policemen on duty has thrown his coat over Gene's shoulders to protect her from the evening's chill. There she stands, laughing happily with the people she makes her movies for, signing autographs, and trading stories.

It's then that Gene once again knows the devotion of her fans is really the most priceless treasure of all.

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.