
Always being under the public eye can be trying at times for a Hollywood star. Everywhere you go flashbulbs pop. Yet Gene is always ready with a smile and wave, because she knows these fans helped her achieve her dream of stardom.

The paparazzi scramble to take Gene’s picture when she takes her two beloved dogs, Dottie and Dashiell, for their walk. Gene loves to be outdoors, even in the immaculately tended landscapes of Beverly Hills. She always stops to chat with her neighbors as they walk their dogs. There is the powerful German producer with his dachshund, the heartthrob singing idol with his poodle, and even a deposed European prince with a proud Afghan hound.

Dashiell and Dottie begin straining at their leashes as they near the Green Parrot Restaurant, the place where the stars go to dine. The terriers know there will be a rare Delmonico steak for them in the cloakroom, and Gene would love a cool iced coffee and Oysters Rockefeller for lunch. Suddenly... “Smile, Miss Marshall!” FLASH!!

“Promenade” said the movie magazine caption under a photo of Gene wearing this springtime lavender walking suit.... Even in the grainy magazine photo, her fashion panache shines through.

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.