Simply Gene

Gene Marshall...the toast of the fashion world, a designer's delight...sat down at her mirrored vanity with an array of brushes, hairpins, bows and curlers before her. She had a day off from her busy shooting schedule, and was enjoying the luxury of having a bit of fun. She brushed her healthy, silky hair until it was gleaming. She had to grow it out longer than usual for her role in her current film, and loved it supple, shining new length. Her Hairdresser adored it too, saying that Gene's hair was the most beautiful and easiest to work with out of all the other stars in Monolothic Studios.

Gene opened a fashion magazine to the page she wanted. It gave step-by-step instructions for a dashing new hairstyle that Gene admired and wanted to try on herself. With deft moves, and frequent checking of the magazine, Gene swept her hair up into a deceptively elaborate French Twist, securely pinning up the heavy tresses and smoothing down stray, flyaway wisps. Gene turned her head this way and that, checking the results in the mirror. "Not bad....not bad at all!" Gene smiled to herself, pleased with the handiwork. On impulse, she rose from the vanity and went to her wardrobe, pulling out a sumptuous ballgown, a cocktail dress and an antique victorian costume from one of her favourite roles. She tried them all on, modeling before the mirror, accessorizing and primping. She loved it when she could indulge in a little feminine fun and just be herself - simply Gene.

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.