Spring in Central Park

The “clop-clip-clop-clip” of horses’ hooves played a lilting tattoo as Gene Marshall sat with her luncheon companion in the back of the carriage ambling its way through Central Park.

It was early spring, and Gene was in New York City on a quick visit to sign some papers for the studio’s East Coast lawyers—but she’d extended her time there to see old friends and catch a show or two.

The invitation to lunch and a carriage ride in Central Park was too much to resist. In addition to the good company, there was just something about being in this woody oasis in the middle of The City’s hustle and bustle that filled her with wonder and joy.

It being so early in the season, small patches of snow huddled white against the bottoms of the trees, firmly refusing to fall victim to the sun, who poked his smiling face through the gray clouds just enough to tease. The air was warm enough to be without a wrap for the first time in months—although Gene took advantage of the slight waft of new-blossom-scented breeze to nestle a little closer to her companion.

Suddenly, it appeared that the sun could take it no longer. Out he sprang, setting the surface of Central Park Lake glittering with a million watery diamonds—making Gene smile as she reveled in the beauty of Central Park in the spring.

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.