Table for Two

Gene was sitting by the pool, reading scripts, when her telephone began ist insistent ring. Marking her place, she took the receiver from ist cradle. As she picked it up, the line fairly crackled with excitement. She recognized the excited voice of Ruben Lilienthal's assistant.

"Can you get here right away? R.L. wants to talk to you personally about a proposed project! He say he'll take you to lunch..."

An invitation to lunch with the head of Monolothic Studios about a project? Gene gathered the dogs into their private play yard and hurried upstairs to her closet. The yellow? Too frivolous. The plaid? Too much distraction for a serious lunch meeting. Choice after choice fell in a pile on Gene's chaise lounge.

Then, her hand fell on the perfect ensemble for this spur-of-the-moment meeting; a pale pink suit with soft mint trim. Feminine, but with business-like lines. 

She hurried into her outfit, fixed her hair and face, grabbed her purse, gloves and hat, checked the dogs again and headed for the garage.

Soon, she was seated at a table for two with R.L. in one of Hollywood's favorite spots for dining and deals, taking in all the details of the project that was simmering in R.L.'s imagination. 

"I call it "Destiny"", he said, "and you are destined to play the lead!"

And Gene blushed as prettily pink as her suit....

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.