To Have and to Hold

1942's The Bride on the Cover was a romantic comedy about a love match between a sweet young thing (Gene) and a slightly jaded, rather "mature" bachelor magazine editor (Trent Osborn, insisting that playing a "mature" role was quite a stretch!).

It all culminated in a huge wedding with the sweet young thing maneuvering her man to the altar. And on the day the big wedding scene was scheduled, who should be in town but Gene's parents.

"This will be fun!" Gene told her mother. "You and Daddy can be extras and not only will you get a chance to see me at work-we can say we've made a Hollywood movie together!"

"I'd rather that this was a HOME movie," grumbled Mrs. Marshall with a smile, and Gene laughed and put her fingers to her mother's lips.

So the next morning, in appropriate attire, Dr. and Mrs. Marshall were seated in a pew to see their daughter "marry." The director called "Action!" and the organ music started. The crowd rose to their feet and turned on cue-and down the aisle came Gene, resplendent in her wedding gown. All eyes were on her as she strode to the front of the church, glowing the way a bride should.

And if you watch closely, you'll see the corner of Gene's mouth tremble just a bit as she passes two sniffling extras in the second pew on the left...

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.