Unsung Melody

"Darling! What can I say? This new picture is going to be an EMOTIONAL experience..."

Madra Lord was on Cora Harper's "Non-Stop Hollywood" radio broadcast. The Monolithic publicity boys had run her ragged promoting Unsung Melody-and Madra loved it.

"So," intoned Cora, "should we bring a hankie?"

"A hankie? Girls--bring a whole box! And you gentlemen can use your sleeves; don't worry, we won't tell--after all, it's dark in the theater and we girls NEVER tell what you do in the dark, now, do we?"

Madra's sultry tone made a flustered Cora quickly change the subject. "What exactly is this marvelous movie about, Madra?"

"Dearest, I thought you'd never ask! I play an opera singer who loses her voice..."

"A blessing for the music lovers in the audience," thought Cora.

"...after she sees her husband, a noted basso, take an accidental--and fatal--plunge from the stage during a performance of 'Mefistofele' and she has a DEVIL of a time until a kind-hearted impresario, played by none other than Trent Osborn, helps her regain her voice. Of course, they fall desperately in love..."

Cora interrupted her. "Madra, dear, we're out of time and I'm afraid 'Non-Stop Hollywood' must stop, so join..." but Madra grabbed the Mike and continued.

"Not 'til I get to the good part," she said as Cora threw up her hands. "You see, Trent and I..."

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.