White Hyacinth

A tempestuous romance, an intelligent, spirited heroine, and scenes of heart-wrenching poignancy that make you sigh even when reading the first draft...this is the kind of film every rising young actress dreams of starring in. You knew White Hyacinth would be one such extraordinary film.

Gene plays the devoted wife of a musician. As her husband struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming a star bandleader, Gene supports them by working as a secretary to a rich, though ruthless, banker. The banker desire Gene, and plots to ruin her marriage. Gene discovers the banker's deception and angrily hurls her defiance in his face. But his plots succeeded too well. The husband's jealousy and bitterness for his shattered dreams sunder the newlyweds apart. Audiences gasp in sympathy at the inexpressible sorrow haunting Gene's incomparable blue eyes.

But on a glorious spring day in the park the lovers reconcile, and in each other's arms the world melts away...just as do the hearts of millions of fans in that timeless, unforgettable moment of cinematic history.

Gene is a vision of fresh springtime elegance...Gene's sublime performance reminds us that love...like white hyacinths in spring...always blossoms anew.

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Gene® is a registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.