White Hyacinth
- brunette doll with pincurls at forehead and hair pulled back in ponytail.
- off-white coatdress with pink/yellow fabric flowers at lapel and wide fringed attached sash.
- peach full slip with ivory lace trim at hem and ribbon straps
- stiff felt off-white oval hat with fabric flowers
- white oval pearl-tipped hat pin
- white leatherette clutch purse with wrist strap. Does not open
- yellowish short gloves
- white sling back open-toe shoes with little bows at toes
- pantyhose
- pearl stud earrings
Click here to read story card.
circa 1946
Year of Release: 1997
Designer: Doug James
Original Retail Price: $79.95

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registered trademark of The Ashton-Drake Galleries® and was created by Mel
Odom. I have no affiliation with these or any other doll companies.